2011 | Design of MVCDS MVCDS Winterim Lecture, Toledo, OH (KBM) |
2011 | Architecture of Italy MVCDS Winterim Lecture, Toledo, OH (KBM) |
2010 | Secondary Structures Historic Perrysburg Commissioned Public Lecture, Perrysburg, OH (KBM) |
2010 | Secondary Structures NSCDA Annual Lecture, Perrysburg, OH (KBM) |
2009 | Taking the LEED to Save our Planet – Leading Green in School Design Women Alive Annual Lecture, GSA, Toledo, Ohio (KBM) |
2009 | Ottawa Hills High School Career Day Symposium (DSM) |
2009 | NW Ohio AIA High School Design Competition, BGSU Workshop (DSM) |
2008 | Redefining Interior Space, Interior Design Program Lecture Series Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH (DSM) |
2008 | Themes Base Lecture BGSU Design Studio, Bowling Green, OH (KBM) |
2008 | Drawing Towards Architecture AIAS Lecture Series, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH (DSM) |
2007 | City – Campus: the Proceedings from 2007 Associate of Collegiate Schools of Architectural Central Conference “Collage City Revisited: City as Studio” D. Scot MacPherson and Stan Guidera |
2009 | Journal of Technological Studies Schools of Architectural Central Conference “Digital Modeling in Design Fundamentals Coursework: An Exploratory Study of Student Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Conceptual Design Software for Novice Designers” D. Scot MacPherson and Stan Guidera |